Our friendly lifestyle offers you a group of likeminded people at unbeatable prices!
— Money Under 30
Just like our tenants, we, too, understand that there is no sense in working crazy hours at jobs that don’t feed our souls or allow us to live everyday to the fullest. In Los Angeles, statistics show that for 60% of our states’ renters, more than 55% of their income goes to their rent.
Spending such an enormous amount of money every month on rent prevents people from saving to better their futures, or even live better presently. Go to that concert of your favorite artist, or dine out at a fancy restaurant, or go take a trip for the weekend and stay at that awesome hotel! Live. Live without stressing about not being able to pay your rent and keeping a roof over your head. We provide everything to make your life easier. Co-living with us is easier.
We facilitate in perfecting one’s environment, with an amazing group of people, a beautiful home, fun weekly events to go to, and a stress free monthly bill. The Live The Co. team has found the perfect blend of individuality and involvement, work and play, and, uniqueness and comfortability.
Invest in yourself.
Rid yourself of any day-to-day burdens.
Actually LIVE in your big city.
Try new things.
Don’t hinder yourself from exploring.
Now is the time.
Throw away everything you know about living in big cities.